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​coming soon...

Important: Since each video is limited to a maximum of 25 minutes, there is no need to perform treatments on both sides of the body (right/left). Instead, it's much better to move to other areas and showcase more techniques and positions.

Before recording and uploading, please practice your performance program multiple times. Clear your workspace of obstacles and distractions to create a beautiful environment. Let both yourself and the client look their best. Choose a nice background music (BGM) to make the viewing experience pleasant and engaging for the audience.

Note: This is a video performance and not a clinical treatment. You must do your best to entertain and impress the judges with your unique massage style, design skills, and special consideration for your clients

​coming soon...

  • The video should be shot in landscape orientation.

  • Video length: 30-35 minutes. Longer videos will result in disqualification.

  • Frame rate: 60p is recommended, but 30p is acceptable.

  • The entire performance must be shot continuously 'uncut' with one or multiple cameras. Editing should not disrupt the performance timeline.

  • Image manipulation, such as filters or flashy transitions, is not allowed.

  • Cameras must be fixed on a tripod or similar for most of the performance duration.

  • The entire massage table, the client, and the therapist must be visible for most parts of the performance.

  • Use close-ups or moving cameras sparingly, only to allow judges to see important details more clearly.

  • The main light source should be placed on the same side as the camera to prevent the image from being overexposed.

  • Do not position yourself between the client and the camera. Always show your front or profile to the camera.

  • Do not add background music (BGM) to the video. If BGM is necessary during recording, remove it in post-production

Single camera

You can create beautiful footage with a single camera, and sometimes its simplicity can evoke even more emotion.

Note: When shooting with a single camera, you should make an effort to create more appealing scenes. Ensure a clean background, position good lighting behind or to the side of the camera, and shoot with the camera placed diagonally over the scene.

Here is a good example using a single camera. Wannipa Wipatothai won a silver medal at the 2021 Norway Championship with this footage. This camera placement is highly effective and allows judges to clearly see your performance for evaluation.


(1) Wear comfortable attire suitable for performing treatments.

(2) Please have clean, non-marked shoes with soles prepared. *Treatment without shoes (barefoot) is also possible.

(3) Prior nail and hand care is recommended.


(1) Clients receiving treatments should always wear underwear (or disposable shorts, etc.), and females should cover their chest.

(2) Areas not receiving treatment should be covered with a towel or similar.

(3) Models should always be selected by the participants. *If there are unavoidable circumstances, please consult with us.

<Video Shoot>

(1) The organizing committee may take photographs, images, and videos and may live-stream the event. *Live-streaming may occur without prior notice.

(2) Participants are allowed to take photographs, images, and videos of the competition.

Note 1) Please be considerate to ensure that it does not affect the treatments of other participants or judges. Note 2) Please refrain from taking photographs during costume changes or when participants are changing attire.

<Prohibited Activities>

(1) Sensual or sexual treatments.


(2) Activities that carry a risk of injury.


(3) Actions that may make others, including participants and spectators, uncomfortable.


(4) Actions that are not in line with the purpose of the competition.


(5) Participation while in poor physical condition.


(6) Providing treatments using electronic devices.

<Important Notes>

(1) We kindly request that each participant arrange their own treatment insurance.

(2) Please be aware that we cannot assume any responsibility for injuries that occur during the competition.

(3) Participants are responsible for the management of their valuables and personal items.

(4) We cannot be held responsible for theft or similar incidents, so please keep this in mind.

(5) Except for cancellations due to the organizing committee's failure to fulfill its obligations, entry fees will not be refunded.

(6) In the event of unforeseen circumstances such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, other natural disasters, outbreaks of infectious diseases, and public health-related emergencies, resulting in the cancellation of the competition, we shall not be held liable for any damages.

<About Copyright>

(1) Participants agree to allow the organizers to use competition footage and photos on approved media and social networking sites (SNS).

(2) Copyright for materials related to the competition shall be owned by the organizing committee.

(3) Participants shall not raise objections to such filming and the use of copyrighted materials by the organizing committee.

Competition Schedule


Venue Map (Competition Area)

スクリーンショット 2023-05-19 20.02.42.png


<Judging Criteria>

(1) Massage Technique (Skill)

(2) Range of Treatment

(3) Posture During Treatment

(4) Flow of Treatment

(5) Anatomical Approach

(6) Innovative Ideas

(7) Customer Service

(8) Overall Impression

The detailed rules and judging criteria for each division can be found HERE

<Judging Format>

The 'Top-Bottom Cut System' Adoption

In each division, 6-8 judges will evaluate on a 10-point scale based on the criteria mentioned above.


To calculate the evaluation score, we will exclude the highest and lowest scores from the total points given by each judge and then calculate the average of the remaining scores. This method is used to avoid a situation where the scores of a particular individual have a direct impact on the final evaluation when there are a small number of judges in a division, aiming to ensure fairness.

Can you make it?
Can you make it?
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